Hi guys, 3 blogs in a row….. I’m so impressed with my efforts haha. This week I’m keeping it simple and giving you 5 tips on how to get the weight loss results you are after. Without Further ado, lets jump straight into it!


  • IS THE NUTRITIONAL PLAN YOU ARE PLANNING TO FOLLOW SUSTAINABLE? If you are cutting food groups, Hangry, feeling dizzy and have no energy it’s not worth it! Eat enough food
  • KEEP CARBS! I dunno how many times I need to say it, don’t cut carbs. If you cut them completely, your body will forget how to break them down and you will be carbless forever!
  • KEEP IT SIMPLE! Eat normal food. Forget the raw treat, dates with cacao and coconut oil , chia seed breakfast pudding 24/7 bullshit! Say it with me Oats! Eggs! Dinner leftovers! Curries! Keep it real. Social Media has confused the hell out of everyone just don’t eat too much processed crap and you should be fine.
  • PORTION SIZES! Don’t eat loads and don’t eat too little you should feel satisfied after meal times, but not really full.
  • CONSISTENCY! Your lifestyle changes only work if you keep doing them all the time. It doesn’t happen over night. Be patient!

HOW TO: Survive Easter

Hey Guys, Happy Almost Easter and school holidays for parents and teachers out there. So, it’s Easter!! That means one thing, and one thing only…. CHOCOLATE! In so many shapes and forms! You had better believe there will be chocolate for Breakfast Easter Sunday (Malteaser Bunnies are my standout fav right about now!)

Easter bunny.jpg

There are a few other things that make an appearance over Easter, Hot cross buns, alcohol and fish and chips are a few other indulgences that spring to mind. But how do we ENJOY, yes! I said you should ENJOY these! And not feel guilty or fall COMPLETELY off the wagon and not get back on the wagon until October when the ‘before summer stress out begins’ (we’ve ALL been there!)

WELL… Here are a few things D’Arc and I will be doing to stay on track **we will be filming these BTW (I bought a go-pro and thought I should put it to good use, by filming workouts and what we eat, even on holidays! Watch out for the jog we will be sure to film, I am SOOOO bad at running, my clients are going to love that footage) **

  • Probiotics! Ours have been purchased already (Thanks Priceline!) We even got our hands on the ones that do not require refrigeration.

o   WHY? We are flying up north to visit family. I don’t know about you guys, but I blow up like a balloon after being on a plane, my face gets puffy, I get bloated and retain so much water. Then on top of all that, not as healthy food and more alcohol than normal are consumed, leaving you more bloated. The probiotics help combat all these effects and keep your gut health on point.

  • Water!

o   WHY? Water will help flush out all those extra toxins you are taking in. It will keep you hydrated enough to (hopefully) not feel hungover. It will keep any binge eating to a minimum. Fun Fact! You eat MORE when you are dehydrated. So, ensure your water intake is high, so your chocolate intake isn’t as high.

  • Eat SOMETHING Nutritious Every day!

o   Your body still needs nutrients, it will be thankful for receiving SOMETHING green or vitamin dense at least once a day over the Easter break.

  • Move

o   Do something active every day, go for a quick walk, go for a swim, play a social game of volleyball. Keep your body moving so it’s not so hard to get back into training after the Easter Break. If you are with a big group of people, try and get everyone involved, so it’s social and you don’t feel like you are working out.

  • RELAX!

o   Use the time to unwind from the daily stresses of work and catch up on those few hours of sleep you don’t always get. You will go back to reality feeling recharged and fresh. I come back from holidays leaner, as I get more sleep and my stress levels drop. It’s amazing how much your body needs these things.


So, there are my tips be sure to keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram Pages for all our workouts, tips and updates for promotions and outdoor trainings. We are in the process of developing an online 28-day challenge and individualised training programs.

Happy Easter! X


Hey, So I decided this week, that I would post a workout. Haven’t posted one of these on the blog for a while so why not! The weather has not been ideal this week. So I am going to post a workout that you could do Indoors. Then there REALLY is no excuses.

I will incorporate 2 different levels. A beginner level and then a harder level 🙂

If you would like a program written specifically for you, fill in the form below for more information


-Push Ups x10

-Hip Extensions x2020160502_153339

Repeat 3 times

-Mountain Climbers x20

-Lunges x 20

Repeat 3 times

-Wall Sit 30 Seconds

-Air Punches x50

Repeat 3 times

-Plank 45 Seconds

Repeat 3 Times


-Push up Mountain Climbers x15

-Jump Squats x15

Repeat 3 times

-Push Up to Plank x8 each arm

-One legged Hip extensions x10 each Leg

Repeat 3 timesgroup-training

-Burpees x15

-Walking Lunges with a pulse x10 each leg

Repeat 3 times

-Side Plank x30 seconds each side

-Donkey Kicks x15 each leg

Repeat 3 times

Good Luck 🙂



Healthy Eating Hacks ✌

Hi again everyone, Jeez I’m getting good! 3 posts in about 3 weeks yesssss haha 🙌

Short and sweet chat today about some Healthy Eating Tips to help make your life easier and healthier (your welcome 😙)

#1 Lime or Lemon in warm water on an empty stomach. Great for digestion and de-bloating

#2 Smoothies! Fast, Tasty and Healthy! Coconut water, fruit (I use frozen fruit) and some Greek Yoghurt for Protein 👌

#3 Mince is so versatile and cheap. Stuffed capsisums, Pasta-less spag bowl, curry, the possibilities are endless guys!

#4 Roast Veggies, Taste amazing! Nutritious! More interesting than just having steamed veggies or lettuce all the time.

#5 Chines Takeaway Containers. Prep your food ahead of time so you are organized and ready. These bad boys can be frozen, microwaved and thrown out once you’ve finished.

What are your Healthy Eating Hacks? Comment Below. Until next time ✌ out 😙

Keeping It Simple!

*Rant Alert!* Okay guys, here it is, my rant for the day! Why do we decide to do crazy diets? We FIND crazy fad diets that eliminate ENTIRE FOODGROUPS and find recipes that take up loads of time, energy and use ingredients that cost the earth because they are ‘healthy’ but forget to just keep it simple and eat REAL food and not overthink things.


An example of this (I thank this client for giving me something to write about today, if you are reading this right now, you are the best xx)  is seeing a client for the first time in a while this morning and her telling me that she is trying to do paleo, no carbs and making clean treats to achieve her current goals. This is a great start! I’m so proud of her to be getting started on her health and fitness goals.


When I asked her what she was eating, she told me how she was making shakes, clean treats and doing all this fancy stuff and finding all these interesting recipes, but couldn’t sustain it. My first comment, why don’t you just try eating simple, normal food? What is wrong with yoghurt, fruit, porridge, eggs on toast, curries, BBQ meat and yummy salads?

We see so much stuff online and in the media these days that I think we get confused about what we can and can’t eat and whether we should eat raw, paleo, low carb, high fat, high protein, FODMAP (literally the list could go all day).


So here is my REAL TALK keep it simple tips to get, or stay on track  with food:

-Is how you are eating SUSTAINABLE? If you are miserable, hungry or hate the food you are currently eating. GET OFF THE DIET… NOW!

-Make sure you are eating enough. If you are eating any less than 12oo calories (even 1200 is too low) then your metabolism is going to slow down and not be able to breakdown any food you put in your body. Eat regularly! Especially breakfast! and find out how many calories you are eating in My Fitness Pal.

-It’s one thing to have a rough idea of how many calories you eat, so that you can work on eating more. But don’t count calories everyday. It will drive you crazy! Focus on eating GOOD food rather than the numbers in the food.

-MODERATION its a marvellous thing. Practice it!

-Carbs are NOT the bad guy! You need them, they make you happy and give you energy. You need to choose the right carbs and time them properly.

-Be honest with yourself! You KNOW you need to eat your veggies, drink water, choose good snacks, do some exercise. Working on improving these things and doing them consistently will get you those results you desire. Keep it simple, don’t over complicate food and you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to stay on track…. Most of the time 🙂


You DO make friends with Salad ✌😂
Made this on Friday night and I couldn't not share! -lettuce
-cherry tomatoes
-capsicum -olives
-red onion
-haloumi ❤❤❤ Tasted amazing with BBQ-ed meat! Then I had leftovers for breakky Saturday Morning. 
Remember eating healthy isn't hard.... or boring! You just need to be organised and have the options available. 
#monday #eat #food #clean #healthy #fit #blog #lean #health #live #trainer #personaltrainer #perth #westernaustralia #australia #mum #women #girl #mummyblog


-Lettuce Mix

-Cherry Tomatoes

-Red Onion


-Haloumi (pan fried in olive oil)


Pop it all onto a platter and serve with desired meat. I served with Rissoles 🙂





Hey guys, Happy New Year! Welcome back to the Broadshorts  Personal Training Blog. We have been a bit MIA recently, which we apologise for 😦 life happened, we’ve been in Tasmania, Christmas and New Year was going on. It was just full on and I kinda felt like I needed a bit of a break from working to come back this year refreshed 🙂

So TODAY I started back into normal food and routine, which is a really good thing, as I was starting to feel a bit bloated.

To kick start me back into routine, I decided to prepare some chicken meatballs and some greens (I’ve been missing greens haha) for dinner and breakfasts for the next two or three days.

I also bought some rice crackers to have with vegemite and a slice of cheese (Split amongst 4 crackers 🙂 )

Another snack I bought was some Greek Yoghurt. It’s great protein, Great for your gut health (probiotics) and I find it quite sweet, so I don’t crave as much naughty food.

Last but not least I have been having smoothies for lunch recently. I love smoothies! But I do think you need to make sure you are doing smoothies smart! If you are looking for FAT LOSS or WEIGHTLOSS. You should ensure you stick to having smoothies Post workout and watch how much fruit you put in there.


Why do I say this? SO many people come in and tell me how much fruit they put in their smoothies (and think they’re doing a good thing) but 2 to 3+ fruits in a smoothie then having other fruit as snacks during the day, may be too much sugar for your body every single day!

What do I suggest? I only have one piece of fruit usually each day. At the moment, that is in a smoothie.

I have been using coconut water, Happy Way Protein Powder and Frozen Berries for my smoothies recently. It tastes amazing, keeps me full and is timed generally after a workout.

smoothie #2.png

You don’t HAVE to have protein powders. But I use a protein powder now, as I was struggling to snack regularly during the day and the protein powder helped me add in the extra snack. I ensured I used a natural powder, with no nasties in it. There are a few like this on the market. It is probably best for you to do your own research and decide whether you want to use these or not.

If I didn’t struggle to snack in the afternoons, I would eat REAL food 🙂


So remember, when making smoothies for weight loss:

-1-2 pieces of fruit (TOTAL)

-Use water or coconut water

-If you are not using protein powder, use a few spoonfuls of Greek Yoghurt to give you some more protein in there 🙂

-You can add in oats (sparingly) or some chia seeds.

-Keep it simple 🙂

Okay, that’s it from me today! Any smoothie suggestions, let me know in comments below.

Remember to follow us on Insta to see workouts and food ideas between blogs.

Peace out Peeps XO







How to not go Overboard over the Silly Season!

So it’s December, the Silly Season! Which means… More Social Events, More Food, More alcohol and less motivation and time for your health and fitness goals.
Whilst it’s important to be able to relax, have balance and indulge a little bit around this time of year, don’t go overboard and spend the first 3 months of 2017  trying to lose 4 weeks worth of fun!

I have put together 10 Tips/ Tricks on Surviving the Festive Season without gaining too much pudding


  1. Stay Hydrated! (I mean with water!!) Aim for 2-3 Litres of water a day, on top of your drink of choice
  2. Invest in Probiotics! Good for gut health and digestion, these babies will keep everything working; even if your fibre intake isn’t as good as usual.
  3. Do one or the other! Pick naughty food OR alcohol consumption for each event. Doing both at once is going to set you back twice as much.
  4. Try to keep moving! Even if it’s just a walk around the block. You don’t have to smash it at the gym, but just try to stay active so your body doesn’t completely lose the fitness you had before December.
  5. With some extra time up your sleave think about some new goals for the year. Maybe you could think about Introducing breakfast? Or Signing up for a fun run, to keep you training?
  6. Pick the bread basket OR dessert. Choosing one instead of both is going to keep things a little more balanced.
  7. Bring a fruit platter! Bringing a healthier option, is going to give you a better option to choose from at dessert. Also, I notice when I bring a fruit platter, there’s never leftovers!
  8. Mix your own alcohol! Save on calories by making drinks with low sugar cool drink instead of having premixed drinks.
  9. Decide on a day you are going to aim to get back on the wagon. Don’t take 3 months to get back into good food and working out.
  10. Most Importantly, Relax and Enjoy! Stress and lack of sleep is renowned for hindering health and fitness goals. Use your holidays to destress and catch up on Sleep!


If you have tips of your own, then please comment below or comment on our Latest Broadshorts Instagram Photo.

Follow us on

Facebook: Broadshorts Personal Training

Instagram: broadshorts_pt

to keep up to date with our food, workout and Outdoor Training Dates.

Enjoy the Last week of November!


Image result for cellulite

Ah Cellulite, a lot of us ladies in particular, tend to struggle with this.

What is cellulite?  The definition is: persistent subcutaneous fat causing dimpling of the skin, especially on women’s hips and thighs.

If you google how to get rid of this… SO many different things come up! The most annoying part, even if you do all of those things, it could be genetic and hard to get rid of. You don’t even have to be overweight to have cellulite (annoying huh?!)

SO what ways have I found IMPROVE cellulite (mine is definitely not gone yet, but has improved) cellulite

-Walking! Increases circulation through your legs and encourages the fat stored in those cells around you legs and butt to keep moving.

-Lots of water! Flushes out the toxins in your body. Less toxins=less trapped fat cells.

-Interval Training! Burns fat fast! I found this really helped my legs. It’s not fun to do. But it works!

-Eating fresh healthy food instead of processed, toxic food. The less processed food you consume, the less toxins and fat your body will store.

-Jump Squats and Burpees! Along with interval training, they aren’t fun! But I tell you what, fat burning, high intensity, circulation through your lower body. It will get the job done

-Coffee Scrub! Scrubbing your legs and butt with a coffee scrub will definitely help with reducing cellulite.

-Fake Tan! Now while this doesn’t necessarily get rid of cellulite. It reduces the appearance of Cellulite. I swear by tanning 🙂

Now Like I said, all these suggestions might not completely get rid of the cellulite. But I have found that it definitely improves it. If you have any suggestions or methods that tou have tried. Comment below 🙂

Why Eating Less is NOT Going to Help You Lose More!

Hi Everyone, It is that time of the week again to see my Blog pop up on your news feed. This week, I want to talk about why-women in particular- focus on eating less or counting calories to lose fat and get healthier.


For starters! I find eating less, counting calories and cutting out food groups makes you want to focus on food more! Which leaves you wanting to eat bad food more!

Eating less slows down your metabolism! People think that its the 3 meals and 2 snacks that are making them put on weight. When its actually snacking on cake, chips, chocolate, juice, muesli bars and other high sugar, fatty snacks that is doing the damage.

fruit and veg

Eating 3 meals a day is great! But adding in a snack or two is key to speeding up that metabolism and helping you drop those Winter Kilos.

Counting calories is another mistake people trying to lose weight make. You get so fixated on numbers that you forget to just enjoy food! Also counting calories, doesn’t exactly allow you to listen to your body. What about those times where you have exerted more energy than usual, you’re starving, but you won’t eat any more food because your calorie count won’t allow it? It seems silly.

5 small meals

Then there’s the ‘I’m eating ridiculously clean until the weekend and then I’m going to binge out and eat and drink whatever I want.’ That is doing you no favours either. Indulge, yes! But don’t deprive yourself that much during the week, that you drop the ball, the WHOLE weekend. It is going to get you nowhere.


SO, if you are planning on embarking on a new food regime. Remember! You ARE NOT getting to that goal and then returning to your old habits. You are eating healthy as a LIFESTYLE change, so that you can feel good ALL THE TIME. You need to choose a SUSTAINABLE way of eating, you need to find it enjoyable, not restrictive or boring. Don’t slow your metabolism down, do not feel hungry all the time and pick nutritious food instead of sugary, fatty food.


Questions, Comments, Suggestions, Email: gemmabroadwood@gmail, Facebook: Broadshorts Personal Training or Instagram us @broadshorts_pt !



WEEK of Training and FOOD


This is a week of insight into my food and training regime. ** Disclaimer** This is relevant to MY goals and worked for me and MY lifestyle. It doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for you. But it’s handy to be able to what works for different people



The type of training I do at the moment is mostly cardio, light weight training- focusing on my legs and butt (my problem areas ha-ha), abs and arms, and some high intensity interval training. My goals are mostly weight loss, toning and increasing my fitness levels for upcoming mini triathlons I am planning on completing.

MONDAY: 8 Km Bike ride


-Burpees: 15

-Skipping:50 Skips

-Mountain Climbers: 30

-Step Ups: 15 per leg

-Push Ups: 20

-300m Cardio Sprint

Repeat 4x

30 min walk

WEDNESDAY: Swimming 30 Laps Pool


-Walking Lunges 3×12

-Chest Press 3×12

-Squats 3×12

-Lat Pulldown 3×12

-Kettlebell Deadlifts 3×12


Push up, Mountain Climbers x10

Plank and row x8 per arm

Hip Extensions x20

Single Leg Hip Extensions x10 per leg



3.5km Run (or walk and run)


SATURDAY: WALK 45 minutes


Now if doing all of those workouts don’t fit into 6 days of your week, spread them out over a longer period of time and do walks in between (the weather is warmer so walking outside is AMAZING!)

Also! If I could, I would slot in a body balance or yoga class into my week (unfortunately I work when most of those classes are on)


I’m going to do a typical day during the week (my weekly food doesn’t change too much) and then one on the weekend.



Breakfast: Meat and Veg or eggs (As seen in picture!)

Snack #1: Protein Shake! I use the Happy Way Protein shake, has 8 ingredients-no crap in there. It’s high protein, low carb, sugar, fat! Definite win!

Lunch: Chobani Greek Yoghurt, Frozen Fruit (I usually go between Mango or Berries), Sprinkle of Oats.

Snack #2: 4x Rice cakes, Peanut Butter and Drizzle of Honey

Dinner: Chicken and Kale Coleslaw (You get Kale coleslaw from Coles, track it down, buy it, literally you open the packet and you’re good to go!)

My general rule is don’t cut out carbs, but eat the right ones! And I stay away from them at dinner time and keep my protein pretty high and my fats reasonably low.



On Sundays we usually go out for breakky. I’ll run you through what I had yesterday.

I usually choose Scrambled eggs on toast and always add on mushrooms, tomato and Avocado, if they have it. And my go to coffee is a Cappuccino (I don’t drink coffee with milk in it during the week- I prefer to have dairy in the form of yoghurt or cheese throughout the week)

Snack: We were in Scarborough so I went to one of the cafes and grabbed a green smoothie. SO refreshing!

Lunch: I had ham and cheese on crackers for lunch and some dried fruit.

Snack: Fruit

Dinner: BBQ at my parents’ house. I kept to mostly meat and salad. But I DID have a piece of Bread coz I left my bread at breakky time. Balance!!!

After dinner I ate some chocolate and biscuits. I like to be a bit more lenient on the weekends but I also try and keep it balanced, so that I don’t go overboard.